Without even recognising it, negativity can become part of your everyday life. It has a significant impact on your overall well-being. On the other hand, positivity has a number of wonderful influences on day-to-day life. Thankfully, defeating negativity isn’t an overwhelming process that it might seem at first. All it takes is small conscious decisions each day- each of which takes a few minutes or less!

Break ‘big’ problems into small pieces:

When you are facing a task or problem that seems impossible, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Take the time to break the problem into smaller, accomplishable tasks. You could even get the team on board to help you and delegate tasks if it’s urgent! then, focus on one task at a time. Before you know it, you will have solved your problem with little stress or negativity if you give yourself a pep talk on how to deal with what’s facing you!

Set goals:

Having goals set allows you to maintain a positive outlook on life. Goals also give you something to work towards and focus on. In addition to this, reaching a goal no matter how big or small gives you a feeling of accomplishment which will motivate you to set another goal in the future.

Listen to music:

There are tests that have found that music has an incredible influence on the brain and emotions. For this reason, consider making a relaxing music playlist. Listening to songs or sounds that you find soothing or positive can be a great way to help your mind move away from negativity. It doesn’t have to be music, listening to therapeutic sounds such as the waves on the beach through your headphones can give you that relaxation to get stuck back in!

Learn to say ‘No’:

It is easy to end up with a to-do list that seems never-ending. While this approach is helpful for making sure that nothing gets forgotten, it can also be daunting. Prioritise 3-5 tasks each day (depending on how time-consuming each one is) after getting these key tasks out of the way, if you accomplish anything else on your to-do list, it’s a bonus- not a requirement!

Make a change:

While routines can be helpful for positivity, boredom can hit in fairly quickly. Try switching up your work/daily routine with small changes. This can be something as simple as biking to work or even offer a round of drinks when everyone has arrived at work instead of getting stuck into writing your to-do list! You never know what good things you will discover when trying something new in your life.

Listen to your body:

The wellness of your mind and body are linked- there’s no influencing one without influencing the other. Check-in with how you are doing…

  • Have you eaten recently?
  • Have you had enough water?
  • Are you getting enough sleep?
  • What does your posture look like?
  • Are you giving yourself enough breaks?
Look for the beauty in everything you do:

Even if you feel at your peak with your workload, there are positive moments to reassure you everything will be ok. Train your brain to notice positive things by keeping a gratitude or positivity journal… this can even be noted on your phone! Challenge yourself to notice one good thing in everything you do. These small changes can make your perspective a little more positive, even when times are hard.