Did you know, that only 23% of employees receive feedback once a year during their reviews? Feedback is what employees want, to develop and change for the better. To help employees perform better, it’s worth investing time in one-to-one meetings whether this is monthly or quarterly. If you want to develop and skill your employees, it’s worth investing the time.

Here are the top reasons why you should give feedback to your employees:

It’s motivating for employees:

Receiving positive and points to improve on will always be greatly appreciated by employees. It’s good to know what they’re doing right, and what they can do to strive to achieve more. Constructing feedback allows employees to reach targets and to improve. However, be sure to give them some tips on how to improve so you head them in the right direction.

Shows you value your employees:

Feedback reinforces the fact that you value your employees because it confirms what they do matters. When employees know their contribution is valued, it plays a wide success for the business and they will continue to achieve great results for your business. There is always room for improvement, so it’s important to give both sides of the feedback.

Giving feedback to employees is an essential part of being a manager, that is not exercised often in the workplace. And did you know, that personal development is valuable to three-quarters of the Uk small company workforce? Without knowing what they’re doing right, or can improve on, then employees are not going to be able to develop in your workplace, which can lead to burning out.

Make it actionable:

Your best-intentioned feedback will not get the desired results if it’s not actionable. Non-specific praise does not encourage to build upon your plan. Similarly, if the feedback is not skill development then this will discourage progress. Therefore, make it skill-related and monitor steps and provide follow-up meetings. Employees will take it seriously and spend quality time on tasks if you do too.

To make something actionable and meeting the criteria, then there needs to be a mutual understanding. Employees need to understand what the manager wants, and the manager needs to understand that the employee has been well informed so they can independently face the task. Organise your feedback with easy to follow charts, this can be something like the well-known SMART goals.

Avoid negative language:

Always be encouraging with your language. Instead of ‘don’t do this!’ use phrases such as ‘have you considered trying…’ or ‘maybe you could try…’ when you receive feedback in a positive language, it stimulates the brain to try new ways of approaching and learning. When you show that you’re appreciative of the results

Tips on proving effective feedback:

  1. Make feedback specific and frequent
  2. Constructive feedback should always be directed to the action, not the person.
  3. Help your employee understand where they stand in relation to expected job behaviour.
  4. Remember, recognition and appreciation are an effective performance motivator!
  5. Make it a two-way conversation to give employees an opportunity to explain their side of the story.
  6. Be professional
  7. Focus on what you’re going to fix