One of the first things we do when working with a new client is arrange to go and meet with them in their offices.
Well, in order of us to recruit for them effectively, understanding their business, their culture and the nitty gritty of what they are looking for from their next recruit is absolutely key. It allows us to identify suitable candidates, rule out unsuitable candidates and as a result, we are making long lasting placements for our clients and candidates.
We care . . .
Knowledge is everything. If we understand your business, we can share this with our candidates, bridging the gap between client and candidate. Whether it’s sharing little details or experiences it means there are no surprises and allows us to manage expectations. This saves time as we should only be sending candidates who are suitable and genuinely interested. It also makes the whole process a positive experience for everyone.
It’s the little things . .
Seeing the office first hand gives us every opportunity to honestly communicate to our candidates what we feel it would be like to work with our clients, whether that’s a true understanding of your “smart casual dress code”, or the fact that the team were playing darts when we visited the office. Or it could simply be how to find your office.
What if we don’t have time to meet with you?
We completely understand that if you are using a recruiter, then you need to save time with the recruitment process. But . . . if you can give us just an hour of your time, we promise we will be saving you time in the long run. For us to find the best talent for you, we need to know what matters to you when recruiting and by being in your “natural habitat” we get a much better understanding of culture and personality fit. There is only so much that you can get across in a phone call or job description.
Building Relationships
And let’s not forget, we really want to work with our clients long term, because we really do care. And nothing is quite the same as a face to face meeting.
So, in Summary:
- Understanding what’s important when recruiting
- Building relationships for long term success
- Full and honest information on the role and the business
- Ensuring roles genuinely suit them and their needs
And for us:
- We can offer the best possible service to our clients and candidates
- We build positive long lasting relationships
If you are looking for support with your professional services recruitment in Colchester, Ipswich and surrounding areas, you can submit your vacancy today.