How to become more creative by breaking these habits:
Do you have a job that requires you to be constantly creative and you feel like you have fallen into the creative rut?
In our busy lives, time to be creative is often one of the things that tend to slip without giving yourself time to fully think. Although being creative requires time, patience and self-confidence. Here are our top tips to get you back into your creative imagination!
Quit Procrastinating:
Sitting back and waiting for inspiration to come to you will likely never happen. If you are struggling to quit procrastinating think about little habits. Remember creativity is like a muscle- the more you work it, the stronger it will get!
Build small habits every day, this will gradually build not procrastinating. The easiest way to do this is to keep an inspiration diary, jotting down ideas you have throughout the day that you would like to achieve. Even add an inspirational quote!
If you ever feel unmotivated, tell yourself it won’t be long before you love making time for your creative projects. Remember what makes you different from the average person? You keep on going.
So, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and go forth and conquer!
Find comfort being uncomfortable:
Comfort is where everyone wants to be. But, to achieve something phenomenal, you have to step out of the comfort zone.
Do you feel comfortable doing the same things at work day in and day out? But to tap the real creative potential hidden inside you, you need to challenge yourself. Find pleasure by being in uncomfortable situations- they will bring out the best in you. Remember, it’s also how you deal with the situation that matters!
Use both sides of your brain:
The most imaginative ideas must be logical in order to work. Therefore, as well as ‘thinking out the box’ add ideas similar to the original, this will help you get the best solution. Start by looking at things differently!
Ignore the discouragement:
Even if you have a wide-open mind and the ability to see what’s possible, people around you will not. They will tell you that you are aiming too high or it will never work. However, if you don’t rock the boat, you may still sink.
Live in the present:
Rest your thoughts about the past and look to the future. This is particularly said if you dwell on something that went wrong in the past with one of your imaginative ideas, you can’t change it. You don’t know what is going to happen in the future. But, with your actions, you can control what is going to happen at the moment.
Unleash your inner explorer:
Get out of your usual environment. Go for a walk with no distractions such as your phone. This will naturally challenge yourself to look deeper into your creative mind. Schedule a solo activity that takes you away from your work while allowing your creative thinking to naturally replenish!
Not only does this help your thoughts process, but it will also help you think more positively.