Relationships, naturally we want a positive, encouraging relationship with our co-workers. So, it makes sense that the better our relationships are at work, the happier and more productive we’re going to be. At the interview take into account how well you and the interviewer get on, not necessarily on a friendship level but do you think they will be approachable? Has the interview become more of a discussion? How welcoming are they? Take all these points into consideration, after all, you will be working with them every day. Think about how important work relationships are, they can make your work place more enjoyable, they also help us develop our careers especially where there is open communication in the work place.


Environment, when you attend your interview, things will start to gel together creating your opinion of the environment you will potentially be working in. For example, does everyone seem to be enjoying their work? Decide in the interview if they’re good listeners and they’re putting their time and attention purely into you. Notice how performance is rewarded e.g. is there room for potential promotion in the company in the future. Looking at environmental and company culture will help you focus on these questions. You’re there to improve your skills and while the job description is everything you’ve been looking for, if you can’t see yourself enjoying the environment then you will need to figure out if it’s right for you.


Top Tip! look for compatibility, not just likeability.


Your personality, you know what works best for you in the work environment. This is why at the interview you’re finding the right fit. Personality is something people don’t very often take into account at the interview stage, however, your personality is what makes you a team player. It can help you motivate your employees and it encourages effective communication in the work place. Personality traits form an individual’s character, which can determine how well you will work alongside your fellow team members to seek their guidance and help.


Top Tip! Look at how the team interact with you when you have arrived for your interview, do they offer you a drink? Are they making conversation to calm your nerves? Are they praising the company? These are all positive traits to look for.


They allow more detailed questions to be asked, an interview is a two-way street, your potential employer is asking you questions to learn about you and your skills. In return, you need to prepare to ask the interviewer about the position and the company to make sure it’s right for you.

Asking questions demonstrates your genuine interest in the job. This is why it’s a great idea to prepare 5-6 beforehand and ask 3 beneficial ones. As well as this, at a face-to-face interview, you will benefit from going beyond the job description and getting a more thorough response. It will help inform your decision to accept the potential job offer when presented to you. This is why it’s important to ask genuine questions, even if this means you are informed about the company, you must ask some questions which will benefit you and stand you out against other candidates.


All the best for your interview from the team at Lighthouse Personnel Ltd!